Branded Podcasts

The Business Podcast Listener – Who They Are; How to Reach Them

business podcast listener

I recently shared some insights from our research on the podcast listening habits of senior executives. Most notably, we found that they are more than 2x as likely as other podcast consumers to be what we call “power listeners,” spending at least five hours a week with podcasts. That was one of the most widely […]

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Measuring the Many Shades of Branded Integrations with Podcasts

Branded integrations with podcasts

At times a brand needs to share a story that requires more than 30 seconds or a minute to tell effectively. While branded podcasts can be a very effective vehicle for longer storytelling, a challenge lies in building an audience for a new show. There is a middle ground. Rather than trying to carve out

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What We’ve Learned About What Makes a Successful Branded Podcast

successful branded podcasts

Side-by-side with the explosion in podcast listening over the past 10 years is the mini-explosion of brands using branded podcasts as a pillar in their content marketing strategy. Podcast ad revenues are forecast to have grown by 26% in 2023, according to the IAB/PwC U.S. Podcast Advertising Revenue Study. Branded content, which includes branded podcasts,

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