Stop getting just a fraction of the audio performance picture. Get a holistic view.

Holistic Brand Lift is the next step forward for audio campaign measurement, delivering enhanced insights that let you optimize campaign planning and creative across all digital audio investments.

Simplifying study execution for advertisers and publishers alike, we’ll manage the Holistic Brand Lift study across the entire digital audio buy (including all publishers, all shows, all placements and all creatives) to understand not just what is performing, but why it’s performing (and why not), and how to boost results. 

By uncovering funnel activation you can see where and how your messages and ad creative are motivating listeners through the customer journey. You can also analyze demographic and content performance to discover opportunities to grow reach and sales.

A Holistic Brand Lift helps you make strategic optimizations that aren’t limited to planning and placements. It can help fine tune messaging and creative for specific content, contexts, audiences and personas. 

holistic brand lift

Grab the Holistic Brand Lift Quick Guide

Download this free resource to help you better understand what makes a Holistic Brand Lift different and how your branded podcast can benefit from it.

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Holistic Brand Lift Advantages:

Measure everything together

Measure all podcasts/shows, placements/targets, publishers and channels together in one study for apples-to-apples performance comparisons

Keep it simple

Simplify study management and execution

Uncover insights

Learn audience, demographic and messaging insights across publishers, placements and channels

Deep analysis

Examination of ad creative and messaging, uncovering how they resonate with different audiences and personas.

Custom Optimization

Data-driven optimizations customized for your KPIs – improve metrics like, Awareness, Favorability, Message Association, Consideration and Purchase Intent

Grab Your Holistic Brand Lift Quick Guide Now!

Download this free resource to help you better understand what makes a Holistic Brand Lift different and how your branded podcast can benefit from it.

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PSSST! Unsure if a Holistic Brand Lift Study is the right fit? Reach out and we can help! Click here to contact us.